8 avr. 2011

Back to Tokyo

Ohayo mina-san !

Saturday, August 21st 

Back to Tokyo, we decided to go to Odaiba, an artificial island located in Tokyo Bay. We walked the Rainbow Bridge. There, we had a magnificient view and, of course (!), we took many pictures. Then, amazingly, we saw a little beach, just in front of huge buildings. Few people dared to bathe in this brownish water. Erk! Moreover, once again we were bursting with warmth. We also saw a Hello Kitty Place on the beach. Very Japanese-like, don't you think ? ^_^
Tokyo Bay
Tokyo Bay

Rainbow Bridge
Tokyo Bay

Odaiba, artificial island
Ferris Wheel, Obaiba

Sandy beach, Odaiba

Hello Kitty, Odaiba

That night, we decided to eat a crêpe from "Chez Gigi" but, it was closed (once again T_T). But luckyly, Gaellou was able to taste a delicious sweet crêpe : vanilla, banana and toffy. What a Gourmand girl!  

Do you want some?

Gaellou add: we stopped at a shop that should not be missed : the Jump Shop. It is a must that all shonen fans know. It's the perfect place to find loads of goodies of Naruto, Bleach, One Piece,... Must be visited! 

Storyboard can be found on the walls

Jump Shop Entry

Bleach, an other manga
Naruto, a manga that you can find there



At night, we attended a wonderful sunset over Tokyo Bay. It was marvellous! Moreover, there was a concert of African percussion instruments. It was the first time, we saw Japanese laugh and dance in the open!

Sunset over Tokyo Bay

Sunday, August 22nd
Tokyo Tower

As always, there was a sufficating heat. But it didn't stop us to go and visit Zojo-ji Temple. We brought with us fans, water bottles and sweat towel. To my mind, this temple was ordinary but Soline thought it was nice (I may be blasé -_-").

Zojo-ji Temple
and Tokyo Tower
Statue at Zojo-ji Temple

Inside of Zojo-ji Temple

Then, we went to Tokyo Tower, the Japanese "Eiffel Tower". It is less beautiful and imposing that ours. Cock-a-doodle-do (cocorico in French - it's said when you are proud of something). In any case, visiting Tokyo Tower required courage: we had to face the 40-minutes queue, guys with their megaphone, queue jumpers grandmas,... The first floor at 150 meters high reached, you can appreciate... the Japanese pollution. And also the magnificient ultra-urban architecture of Tokyo. There were a kind of interesting attraction up there: the glass floor that allows to see under your feet.
I almost forget to speak about the giant mascot of Tokyo Tower: a big pink triangular thing... shaped like... err... shaped strangely...

Tokyo Tower

View from Tokyo Tower


Tokyo Tower mascot

Glass floor

Back to Sakura Hotel, we felt like talking... a lot! But it's natural because when we were in Kyoto during 10 days, we didn't speak with anybody. We had withdrawal symptoms! So, we started chatting about sake with the hotel's staff (sake as a souvenir, of course, because we ALL know that Solinette NEVER drinks alcohol!!! ^_^).  And we finished having a drink with Aki, one of Sakura staff (Soline adds: Aki talked a lot with Gaellounette, until 3 a.m.... well, it's what she told me because I went to bed at midnight).

We had a drink with Aki

Monday, August 23rd

We went to a centre of art, the Design Festa Gallery. it was... special. Soline liked what she saw but there were many gothic and morbid pieces, like skulls, hanging dolls,... o_O And for those who know Miyazaki's Castle In The Sky, we learned that LAPUTA island was created from Mont-Saint-Michel.

Design Festa Gallery Café

Design Festa Gallery

They said it's art...

Then we had a walk at Omotesando, kind of Champs-Elysées of Tokyo: Chanel, Dior, Louis Vuitton,... On this avenue we met a French guy who distributed leaflets with a French flag and an Eiffel Tower. These leaflets were meant for a school where you can learn French language. Well, Japanese people loooooove Furansu (France).

It's our last day in Japan. Thus our adventures stop here (for the moment).

Top, from l. to r. : Kévin, Yumi
Bottom, from l. to r. : Solinette, Gaellou, Clément

A little picture with Sariko just before
our departure for the airport

We leave on our usual...
Japanese short stories: 

-Japanese eat at the speed of the shinkansen. Example: at lunch while we were eating, we saw 3 guys in a row gulp down their meal. Anyway, Japanese eat all day long!

- Surprisingly, the most known monument after the Eiffel Tower is the Castle of Versailles. Being conscientious reporters, we investigated and discovered an anime about Marie-Antoinette and the Castle of Versailles, called "The Rose Of Versailles (English translation)". In third position for the most known monument comes the Mont-Saint-Michel. 

- The Street walkers! Such an odd and dodgy thing! Mostly in Ikebukuro, you can find a lot of guys wearing a kind of waiter jacket. They try to convince salarymen to spend their time and their money in clubs where almost nude girls are waiting for them. At Kyoto, we saw something even worse: street walkers with chicks wearing really really REALLY short clothes (it was almost their underwear) walking on the streets and distributing leaflets that certainly promised a good moment with a girl or two. Erk!

Jane (see you)